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One size does not fit all. If you need additional mental health care or advice contact your General Practitioner (GP) in the first instance. 

Please find a list of community organizations to assist you.

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The Caribbean and African Mental Health Services

(ACMHS) is a voluntary charitable organization that was formed in October 1989 to provide support to African and African Caribbean people with mental health problems aged 16 and over and registered with a Manchester GP. The Mental Health Team works with people who have common mental health problems i.e.: depression, anxiety, relationship problems, and low self-esteem by offering advice, CBT and person-centered counseling, CBT therapies, advocacy, and health and well-being groups. To support the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) who fund the organization towards Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), ACMHS now provides a wide choice of psychological therapies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CBT).  ACMHS also provides drop-in services i.e.: sports, music, art, women, men, life skills, and socializing. In addition, we have a carers group, which gives practical and emotional support to individuals who are caring for someone who suffers from mental ill health.  Volunteering opportunities are also available in fundraising, befriending, hospital support, drop-in facilitators, and counseling.  ACMHS also provides placement opportunities for social workers, occupational therapists, counselors, and nurses and training in race and mental health, cultural awareness, and mental well-being.
The Windrush Millennium Centre 70 Alexandra Road, Manchester M16 7WD. 

Telephone: 0161 226 9562 <admin@acmhs

Caribbean and African Health Network

CAHN is a Black-led organization working with the Black community and cross-sector organizations to build community resilience, relationships, and social movements to reduce health inequalities. CAHN’s vision is to eradicate health inequalities within a generation for Caribbean & African people.
Caribbean and African Health Network Transformation Community Resource Centre                              

Richmond House 11 Richmond Grove Longsight M13 OLN 
Phone: 07853 556 591

Just Psychology

We believe that a person’s culture has a profound impact on their development and the way they cope with situations they encounter in their lives.
Just Psychology operates as a social enterprise and as a team of psychologists, therapists, and social workers, we combine BME expertise with evidence-based interventions, tailoring clinical, legal, and community services to an individual’s or family’s cultural context to produce preventative interventions and effective, long-lasting outcomes.
We provide a range of services that work in partnership with legal and statutory partners - from expert witness assessments, family group conferences, and therapy to cultural consultancy. 

Phone: 0161 262 1622
Expert Witness Email:
Twitter: @Just_Psychology

42nd Street

We are here to support you with your emotional well-being and mental health by offering a choice of effective, creative, young person-centered, and rights-based approaches.
The 42nd Street team recognizes that many of you feel disempowered, that some services are difficult for you to identify with and access, and that your mental health and personal difficulties can be made worse by the health, social, cultural, and economic inequalities that you might experience. We will do all we can to make you feel listened to, valued, included, safe, and unique. 42nd Street is a charity based in Greater Manchester. We offer a range of individual therapeutic support, learning opportunities, groups, and creative activities for young people, encouraging you to find your voice, develop new skills, have fun, and demonstrate that you can manage your mental health and well-being to achieve your full potential.

t: 0161 228 7321

The African Caribbean Care Group

Provides a caring and supportive service for older people of African Caribbean heritage who are residents of    Central /South Manchester, Trafford, and surrounding areas. For more than 30 years, we have been providing high-quality, person-centred health and social care to the African Caribbean community. We are here to ensure the well-being of our members. We strive to offer our services at affordable rates for our community, while never compromising on quality and safety standards.

ACCG, Claremont Resource Centre, 2 Jarvis Road, Hulme, Manchester, M15 5FS
Phone: 0161 226 6334
To Donate

Online support 


BetterHelp was founded in 2013 to remove the traditional barriers to therapy and make mental health care more accessible to everyone.

Click the link to find our more BetterHelp | Professional Therapy With A Licensed Therapist


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Access support from other young people and professionals, all at your own pace Home - Kooth

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